
Bessunger Merck-Lauf

The Bessunger Merck Run is an annual running competition organized by TGB 1865 Darmstadt e.V. and takes place in the Orangerie Darmstadt. The run includes various competitions, such as the Purzellauf for children, several student runs, the Bessunger Run for everyone, and the main run.

The event offers a supporting program as part of the Bessunger Kerb, featuring music, entertainment, as well as food and drinks. The award ceremonies for students and adults take place at different times, and the results lists are published both on-site and online. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
5 km
Bessunger Lauf Für Alle
Schüler 11 Bis 15 Jahre
Schüler 7 Und 8 Jahre
Schüler 9 Und 10 Jahre
Schülerinnen 11 Bis 15 Jahre
Schülerinnen 7 Und 8 Jahre
Schülerinnen 9 Und 10 Jahre

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