
Aschauer Vorsilvesterlauf

The Aschauer Pre-New Year's Eve Run is a popular running event that has been organized since 2009 by the clubs Lauffeuer Chiemgau e.V. and Gewerbeverein Aschau e.V. With a distance of 5 km, the run caters to both hobby runners and faster athletes from the elite field.

Particularly pleasing is the growing interest in the children's run over 1.7 km, which promotes young runners. The Pre-New Year's Eve Run has developed into one of the largest running parties in southern Bavaria and takes place annually between the years. The next event is scheduled for December 27, 2024. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
5 km

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