
Austria Backyard Ultra - Kirchdorf

The Austria Backyard Ultra in Kirchdorf, Tirol, is renowned for being the flattest Backyard Ultra course in Austria, making it ideal for record-breaking performances. Participants run a 6.706 km loop every hour, with the event continuing until only one runner remains. The course features minimal elevation, offering a scenic route along the Großache with views of the Kaisergebirge.

The event adheres to official Backyard Ultra regulations and includes amenities such as refreshment stations, musical entertainment, and facilities for participants. Runners can also join a team challenge, adding a collaborative element to the race. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
100 mi
24 Laps
100 km
15 Laps
42 km
7 Laps

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