
The X-Mas Trail in Niederlosheim, organized by HartfüßlerTrail e.V., is a challenging running competition that takes place in the wintry landscape of the Hunsrück-Hochwald Nature Park. The event offers three routes: the Brian Trail (approximately 15 km), the Ruprecht Trail (approximately 33 km), and the X-MAS Trail (approximately 46 km). Participants must be self-sufficient and well-equipped, as conditions can be demanding, including cold and snowfall.

The event is not suitable for hikers and requires mandatory equipment. The start and finish are located at the Hochwaldhalle Weiskirchen, where food and medical care are also provided. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
46 km
X-Mas Trail
33 km
Ruprecht Trail
15 km
Brian Trail

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