
Wurzener Ringelnatzlauf

The Wurzener Ringelnatzlauf is an annual running event in Wurzen, held in honor of the poet, painter, and artist Joachim Ringelnatz. Organized by the Verschönerungsverein Wurzen e. V.

and supported by the city of Wurzen, the event offers various courses for different age groups and abilities, including children's runs, a 5 km run, a 10 km main run, and a relay race. The event also includes walking and Nordic walking categories. Participants receive medals and certificates, and the best runners are awarded trophies and prizes.

The event promotes physical activity and a sense of community in the region. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10 Km-Hauptlauf
5 km
5 Km-Lauf & Walking
1,2 Km Handicap-Lauf

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