
Wiesent-Challenge Panorama-Lauf in Waischenfeld

The Wiesent Challenge is a popular running event that will enter its third round on October 3, 2024, in Waischenfeld. It combines competitive spirit with a festive atmosphere and offers a wide range of running competitions for all age groups and fitness levels. The main attractions include a 10 km main run, a 2x5 km relay race, a 6 km Nordic walking event, a 400 m opening run for participants with and without disabilities, and a 1 km children's run.

The event has become a significant occasion in the running region of Franconian Switzerland and attracts both local and regional participants. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10km Hauptlauf
6 km
6km Nordic Walking
5 km
2x5km Staffellauf
1km Knax-Kinderlauf

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