
Weikersheimer Kärwelauf

The Weikersheim Kärwelauf is an annual running competition that takes participants through the picturesque old town and the castle park of Weikersheim. The event offers various distances, including a Bambini run, student runs, a 5 km Nordic Walking health run, as well as 5 km and 10 km routes. The proceeds from the event support local projects, particularly the holiday program of the town of Weikersheim and children's holiday trips.

The event aims to promote physical activities while simultaneously supporting charitable initiatives. Participants can register online, and volunteers are welcome. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10km Kärwelauf
5 km
5km Kärwelauf
5 km
Nordic Walking Gesundheitslauf

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