
Vorhelmer Volks- und Straßenlauf "Rund um die Wibbeltkapelle"

The Vorhelmer Volks- und Straßenlauf "Rund um die Wibbeltkapelle" is an established running event that has been held every spring since 1994. The flat circuit runs through the Schäringer Field and the village, passing by the birthplace of the Westphalian poet August Wibbelt. The event includes various distances, such as a 10-kilometer run, a 5-kilometer run, as well as walking and children's races.

The event attracts numerous participants and provides a platform for fast times. Record holders include Philipp Brouwer and Maria Weßling, who have shown impressive performances in the past. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
10 km
10 Kilometer Volks- Und Straßenlauf
5 km
5 Kilometer Volks- Und Straßenlauf
5 km
5 Kilometer Walking Und Nordic Walking
2 Kilometer Kinder- Und Jugendlauf
0,6 Kilometer Bambinilauf

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