Sa - Su

Ultra Trail de Pons

The Ultra Trail of Pons is a running event that takes place in the charming town of Pons, offering a variety of courses designed by trail enthusiasts. Participants can expect to explore unique locations, including UNESCO World Heritage sites, while being supported by a team of 300 volunteers. The event features several races, ranging from 240 km to shorter distances, as well as hikes and races for young people.

Registration is done online, and medical certificates are required for non-licensed participants. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
240 km
Utp 24h00 Équipe
240 km
Utp 24h00 Solo
107 km
Défis Trail 107 Km
88 km
Défis Trail 88 Km
74 km
Défis Trail 74 Km
55 km
Trail 55 Km
33 km
Trail 33 Km
33 km
Rando 33 Km
24 km
Rando 24 Km
19 km
Rando 19 Km
19 km
Trail 19 Km
17 km
Trail Urbain Nocturne (tun)
15 km
Rando 15 Km
14 km
Challenge Entreprises 4pro
11 km
Trail 11 Km
11 km
Rando 11 Km
4.5 Km (14 Ans - 15 Ans)
3 Km (12 Ans - 13 Ans)

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