
Uckermärkischer Rolandlauf

The Uckermark Roland Run is an annual running competition in Prenzlau, organized by the Förderverein Lions Club Prenzlau e. V. in collaboration with local clubs.

The run offers various distances based on the historic "Prenzlauer Mile" of 1,234 meters and is suitable for both runners and Nordic walkers. The event includes distances ranging from 617 meters to 24,680 meters and is aimed at participants of all age groups. The run takes participants through the picturesque landscape around Lake Uckersee and connects two Roland statues, with the proceeds being used for charitable purposes. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
24 km
Doppelte Rolandstrecke
12 km
Prenzlauer Meilen-Zehner
Prenzlauer Meilen-Vierer
Prenzlauer Meilen-Doppel
Prenzlauer Meile

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