
U. Trail Lamer Winkel (U.TLW)

The U. Trail Lamer Winkel (U.TLW) is a renowned trail running event in the Bavarian Forest that takes runners on spectacular paths through the Lamer Winkel. It offers two main routes: the "King of the Bavarian Forest" with 54 kilometers and 2650 meters of elevation gain, and the "Osser Giant" with 25 kilometers and 1200 meters of elevation gain.

The event attracts around 750 participants annually and is supported by approximately 200 volunteers. It is known as the "class reunion of the trail running scene" and provides a challenging and scenically impressive experience for trail runners. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
54 km
König Vom Bayerwald 54k
25 km
Osser-Riese 25k

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