
Trails des Sorcières

The Trail of the Witches, organized by DUC Athlétisme de Sombernon, takes place in Mâlain, Côte-d'Or. This running event, scheduled for November 1st, offers several distances: The Harpy at 13 km and The Necromancer at 26 km, as well as a 10 km walk. The routes traverse technical paths and trails, offering spectacular views of the autumn landscapes.

Participants will have the opportunity to discover historical sites such as the 16th-century priory and the Château de Mâlain. Free races for children are also planned, adding a family-friendly dimension to the event. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
26 km
La Nécromancienne
13 km
La Harpie
10 km

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