Fr - Su

Trails Cathares

The Cathar Trails is a running event that will take place in May 2025, featuring a new format aimed at preserving the environment. Participants can choose from several races, including a 7 km night run, a 21 km trail, and 12-hour and 6-hour events. Hikes and children's races are also offered.

The event will start from Cucugnan and Paziols, providing a varied experience for runners and hiking enthusiasts. The organization emphasizes the protection of trails and local biodiversity. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
12 hr
Challenge Cathare
12 hr
Les 12h de Quéribus
21 km
Trail de Quéribus
14 km
Trail de Paziols
10 km
La Course D’alycia
7 km
Course de Nuit
Rando Gravel/vtt

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