
Trail Urbain Nocturne du Crédit Mutuel

The Crédit Mutuel Night Urban Trail will take place in Ernée, offering an 11.2 km course in two loops with unique passages. Scheduled for December 13, 2023, this event is limited to 400 participants and requires a headlamp due to its nighttime nature. The registration fee is set at 10 euros, with 1 euro being donated to a charitable organization.

Non-licensed runners will need to provide a medical certificate upon registration. Registrations are not yet open, but those interested are invited to check back soon to sign up. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
11 km
Trail Urbain Nocturne Crédit Mutuel

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