
Trail la Nuit Blanche du Pilat

The Nuit Blanche du Pilat is a unique nighttime trail event that takes place in the snowy forests of the Monts du Pilat Natural Park. For its 15th edition, participants will cover a 14 km route, illuminated only by their headlamps. This race, which attracts runners from all over the region, aims to support the fight against Lymphoma, with all proceeds donated to this cause.

Since 2019, the association SANG POUR SANG SPORT has been working to improve the lives of young hematology patients in Lyon. A sporting and solidarity experience not to be missed!. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
14 km
Parcours de 14 Km

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