
Trail du Pastel

The Trail du Pastel is an iconic race that has been held in Balma, in the Lauragais region, since 2010. Organized by CAB Athletics, this event offers several courses suitable for all levels, ranging from 1 to 25 km, including races for children and a Nordic walk. The event also places a strong emphasis on supporting charitable causes, donating a portion of the registration fees to the Foundation for Medical Research and the French Popular Relief.

The Trail du Pastel is thus an opportunity to push oneself while contributing to solidarity actions. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
25 km
25 Km - la Cocagne
17 km
17km - L'isatis Solo
17 km
17km Isatis En Duo
12 km
12 km
Marche Nordique Compétition 12km

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