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Trail du Chambon

The Trail du Chambon, organized by the Chambon Outdoor Center in partnership with the Charente Department, will take place on November 16 and 17, 2024. This event offers several races suitable for all levels, including trails of various distances, a timed Nordic walk, and hikes. Participants will be able to enjoy an exceptional natural setting while challenging themselves on diverse courses.

Practical facilities such as changing rooms, restrooms, and showers will be available on-site to ensure the comfort of the runners. Join this sporty and friendly adventure!. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
52 km
Trail de 52 Km « Label Régional Ffa »
34 km
Trail de 34 Km
17 km
Marche Nordique 17 Km (chronométrée)
17 km
Randonnée 17 Km (allure Libre)
17 km
Trail de 17 Km
12 km
Marche Nordique 12 Km (chronométrée)
12 km
Randonnée 12 Km (allure Libre)
12 km
Trail de 12 Km
12 km
Trail Nocturne 12 Km
5 km
Trail 5 Km

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