
The Trail des Arpents is a running event that will take place for the first time on December 8, 2024, in the Rambouillet Forest, at the heart of the Chevreuse Valley. Participants can choose between two courses: the 17 km Arpents loop and the 33 km Layes loop, with respective elevation gains of 300 m and 800 m. These courses, primarily set in nature, offer varied and technical terrains suitable for trail enthusiasts.

The event is also committed to an eco-responsible approach, aiming to minimize its environmental impact. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
33 km
La Boucle des Layes
17 km
La Boucle des Arpents

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