The Toulouse Onco Run is a charitable running event organized by the Haute-Garonne League Against Cancer, scheduled for February 2, 2025. Its primary goal is to raise funds for cancer research in the region. The event features a hybrid format, allowing participants to join in person at the Campus Santé du Futur – Oncopole in Toulouse or virtually.
Participants can choose from a timed 10 km run, a non-timed 5 km run, a non-timed 5 km walk, or a distance event that can be completed at their convenience. The event promotes physical activity as a health protector while supporting cancer research initiatives. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
10 km
5 km
5 Km (marche)
5 km
5 Km (non Chronométrée)
Distance Libre (à Distance)