
Stadtlauf Traunreut

The Traunreut City Run is an annual running competition that includes various categories such as the Bambini Run, Relay Run, and Charity Run. The event offers an extensive supporting program for runners, their families, and spectators, including an after-race party. Participants are provided with drinks during the run and at the finish area.

The City Run is organized by the ARGE-Werbegemeinschaft Traunreut e.V. and supported by various sponsors. The next edition of the City Run will take place on July 5, 2024.

Further information and registration options are available on the official website. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
7 km
Kinder- Und Bambinilauf
Schülerstaffellauf Gemischt
Schülerstaffellauf Männlich
Schülerstaffellauf Weiblich

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