
Städtelauf Plauen - Hof

The Plauen - Hof City Run is an annual running competition organized by the Vogtland District Sports Association (Kreissportbund Vogtland e.V.). The event offers various distances: 33 km from Plauen, 16.5 km from Krebes, and 8 km from Ullitz, available for both runners and Nordic walkers. Participants are divided into pace groups to ensure a synchronized finish.

The run primarily takes place on forest and field paths and concludes at the "Eisteich Hof" leisure center. There are refreshment stations along the route and a luggage transport service. Registrations can be made online, and different entry fees are charged depending on the registration period. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
33 km
33,0 Km
16 km
16,5 Km
8 km

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