
Sparkassen Alb Marathon

The Sparkassen Alb Marathon Schwäbisch Gmünd is an annual ultramarathon that has been attracting runners to Schwäbisch Gmünd since 1991. The main course covers 50 kilometers and 1100 meters of elevation, passing over the Three Emperor Mountains: Hohenstaufen, Rechberg, and Stuifen. In addition to the ultramarathon, there are shorter distances such as the 25 km run, 10 km run & walk, 5 km run, as well as children's and youth races.

The marathon offers an impressive natural experience and is an event for the whole family. Participants can look forward to exciting head-to-head races or relaxed runs. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
50 km
50 Km Lauf & Staffel
25 km
25 Km Lauf

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