
Sommernachtslauf - Essen

The Summer Night Run in Essen, organized by TLV Germania Essen Überruhr, is a traditional running competition that has been held for over 20 years on the historic Ruhr towpath. The event attracts several hundred participants and offers a flat, DLV-measured course over 5 km and 10 km, which is eligible for record lists. Children can also participate on age-appropriate courses.

The run takes place on an almost entirely asphalted route, secured by course marshals. The event includes various age categories and provides refreshments and changing facilities on site. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
Lauf 5
5 km
Lauf 6
Lauf 3
Lauf 4
Lauf 2

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