
Seemeilenlauf Friedrichskoog

The Nautical Mile Run in Friedrichskoog is an annual running competition that attracts runners and walkers to the tip of the peninsula. The distances are measured in nautical miles, with 1 nautical mile equaling 1.852 km. Participants can choose between various distances, including 1, 3, and 6 nautical miles.

The run is known for its unique challenges, such as the headwind in the foreland and the seemingly endless expanse of the course. The competition averages 200 participants, including children and older runners. The Nautical Mile Run is part of the Dithmarschen Cup and offers a maritime atmosphere. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
11 km
6 Seemeilen
5 km
3 Seemeilen
1 Seemeile

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