
Saualmlauf des Laufclub Althofen

The Saualmlauf, organized by the Althofen Running Club, will take place for the 26th time in 2024 and offers a challenging 11.7 km route from Eberstein to the Steinerhütte. The event combines running and Nordic walking and is a popular season finale for many runners. Participants can look forward to a rustic atmosphere and culinary refreshments provided by Engelbert Süßenbacher.

The event will be held in all weather conditions, and there is an average time evaluation with the chance to win prizes. The Saualmlauf promises an unforgettable experience in nature. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
11 km
Main Race

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