
Saerbecker Kirmeslauf

The Saerbeck Kirmeslauf is an annual running competition organized by SC Falke Saerbeck e.V. The race includes various distances, such as 10 km, 5 km, 2 km, 1.2 km, and a 400 m Bambini run. The event takes place at the Sparkassen-Stadion-Saerbeck and features a well-developed, asphalted course.

Participants can register in advance online or on-site up to 30 minutes before the start. There are medals for children and certificates for the top finishers in each age group. Timing is done using a transponder on the shoe.

Further details and registration options are available on the partner website LaufenOS. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
5 km

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