
Runners Festival Klouster

The Runner's Festival Klouster is a running competition held at the sports grounds of FC Rinchnach. The event offers various running categories, including the Penzkofer Bau Backyard Light, which takes place over 10 hours on a 6.7 km course with 99 meters of elevation gain, as well as relay races and Bauer’s Sport Run with distances ranging from 600 meters to 6.7 km. Participants can register online and download the routes as GPX files.

The festival is supported by numerous sponsors and provides refreshments through partners such as Xenofit and Svenjack. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
6 km
Bauer’s Sportwettlauf
6 km
Penzkofer Bau Backyard Light
6 km
Penzkofer Bau Backyard Light Staffel
Bauer’s Sportwettlauf
Bauer’s Sportwettlauf
Falter’s Sportlerfest

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