Sa - Su

"Run + Fun in Tuttlingen" is a versatile running competition that offers various disciplines for participants of all ages and fitness levels. The main events include the B. Braun Marathon, Half Marathon, and various relay races such as the Chiron Relay Race for business teams and the Sparkassen Relay Marathon.

There are also special races for children and teenagers, like the Henke-Sass, Wolf Fun Cup. In addition to the sporting activities, the event features an extensive supporting program and a party night. The event is supported by numerous sponsors and volunteers who significantly contribute to its success. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
42 km
B. Braun Marathon
42 km
Sparkassen Staffel-Marathon
21 km
B. Braun Halbmarathon
21 km
Hettich Staffel-Firmenlauf 21 Km
10 km
Kls Martin 10 Km Lauf
5 km
Karl Storz 5 Km Lauf
B. Braun Bewegt
Chiron Staffellauf Für Business Teams
Hammerwerk Fridingen Nordic-Walking
Henke-Sass, Wolf Fun Cup Für Kids & Teens
Henke-Sass, Wolf Schülerstaffel

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