Sa - Su

Ronde des Grangeons

The Ronde des Grangeons is a running event that takes place every year at the beginning of September, attracting over 2,700 participants. Located in the foothills of the lower Bugey, near Lyon, this race offers several events, including the Ronde des Grangeons (16 km), the Ronde du Ramequin (28 km), and courses adapted for children and walkers. Participants can enjoy picturesque landscapes, refreshment stations with local products, and musical entertainment.

The event also features a festive evening, enhancing the community spirit around sports and conviviality. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
28 km
La Ronde du Ramequin
16 km
La Ronde des Grangeons
15 km
Rando Festive
10 km
La Ronde Express
9 km
La Ronde Nordique

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