
Roc d'Aluze - Mercurey

The Roc d'Aluze is a nighttime trail run held in Mercurey, Burgundy, offering 11 and 17 km courses. Participants, equipped with headlamps, explore trails through vineyards and hills, all while enjoying a festive and friendly atmosphere. The event, which takes place around Halloween, promises moments of thrills and fun, with challenging slopes and picturesque landscapes.

The mascot, ROC LOUP, is present to cheer on the runners, making this race a must-attend event for trail running enthusiasts. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
17 km
Roc 17 Km
11 km
Duo Trainhard 11 Km
11 km
Roc 11 Km

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