
The "Robe Run" trail run is set to take place on Saturday, February 10th, 2024, in the coastal town of Robe on the Limestone Coast, SA. Participants can choose from a full 42.2km Marathon, 21.1km Half Marathon, 14km Run, or a 5km "Fun Run," all offering stunning views of coastal trails, beaches, and roads. Finishers of the 42.2km, 21.1km, and 14km races will receive a finisher's medal.

The event will start and finish at Foreshore Reserve in Robe, with various pricing tiers based on registration dates. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
42 km
21 km
Half Marathon
14 km
14Km Run
5 km
5Km Fun Run

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