
Recklinghäuser Silvesterlauf

The Recklinghausen New Year's Eve Run, organized by the Recklinghausen Athletics Club, is an annual running competition held on December 31st. The event offers various running categories, including 5km and 10km runs, 5km walking and Nordic walking, as well as a Bambini run for children. It is aimed at families, hobby runners, and competitive athletes.

All participants receive a certificate and a printed New Year's Eve Run mug, while the best runners can win prizes. The run takes place at the Hohenhorst Stadium, and the registration deadline is December 29th. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
10km Run
5 km
5km Run
5 km
5km Walking
5 km
Nordic Walking

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