
Oldenburg Marathon

The Oldenburg Marathon is a versatile running event that offers various distances and formats. These include the EWE Marathon, the Public Half Marathon, the AZO Half Marathon Relay, the 10 km Volksbank City Run, the 5 km Müller & Egerer Run, and the REWE Children's Mile Run. The event attracts runners of all ages and skill levels and provides a well-organized platform for athletic activity and community experiences.

Further information and registration options are available on the official website. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
42 km
Ewe Marathon
21 km
Azo Staffel Halbmarathon
21 km
Öffentliche Halbmarathon
10 km
10 Km Volksbank Citylauf
5 km
5 Km Müller & Egerer Lauf

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