
The Oberlausitz Trail is a family-friendly trail run that has been taking place in the picturesque Oberlausitz region since 2019. The event offers varied and challenging routes through the Oberlausitz mountain range, known for its idyllic landscapes and historic villages. Participants can choose between different distances, including the small, medium, and large Oberlausitz Trail, each offering different elevations and challenges.

The event places great emphasis on a respectful atmosphere and provides regional delicacies at the refreshment points to energize the runners. The Oberlausitz Trail invites everyone to become part of this unique community. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
60 km
Großer Oberlausitztrail
28 km
Mittlerer Oberlausitztrail
16 km
Kleiner Oberlausitztrail
9 km
Jeder-Kann Oberlausitztrail

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