Nov - Feb
Su - Su

Nürnberger Winterlaufserie

The Nuremberg Winter Running Series is a popular running competition that takes place in three stages around the Dutzendteich and Silbersee. Participants can choose distances ranging from 5 km to 20 km, with the races held in November, January, and February. The event is open to runners born in 2006 or earlier and offers both a large and a small cup ranking.

The course runs over gravel and partially asphalted paths, with conditions that can vary depending on the weather. Refreshments are provided in the start/finish area, and timing is done electronically. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
20 km
15 km
10 km
5 km

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