

The Nordahl Grieg Memorial Run is an annual running competition organized by the support association of the Maxim Gorki Comprehensive School in Kleinmachnow. The run includes various distances, such as an 800 m Bambini run, a 3.2 km run for students and youth, as well as 6.4 km and 9.7 km runs for adults. The event provides drinks and refreshments at the finish area and awards the best runners with certificates and trophies.

Participation fees vary depending on the age group, with the Bambini run being free of charge. Registrations can be made online or in writing, and there is a late registration fee for sign-ups on the day of the event. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
9 km
9.7 Km Läufer
6 km
6.4 Km Läufer
3.2 Km Schüler Und Jugendliche
800 M Bambini Lauf

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