The VI Nocny Bieg Powstańca is a unique running event scheduled for January 25, 2025, taking place in winter conditions during the evening. The race features a challenging course that covers 80% of its distance through the picturesque Puszcza Augustowska forest. Participants will start individually at one-minute intervals, regardless of weather conditions, which may include snow, rain, or freezing temperatures.
There are various race distances, including long runs of 18630 m and 8630 m, as well as a shorter Pro Memoria 1863 run. Registration fees vary based on the timing of entry, with special provisions for younger participants. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
19 km
Bieg Długi 18630 M
9 km
Bieg Długi 8630 M
Bieg Krótki Pro Memoria 1863 M