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Medio Maratón Alcoy

Website Registration

The Medio Maratón Alcoy, officially known as the Media Maratón Unión Alcoyana Seguros, is a prominent running event held annually in Alcoy, Spain. Scheduled for December 15, 2024, this half marathon features a 21K course, along with various shorter races for different age groups, including children. The event aims to promote sports and community engagement, attracting participants of all levels.

The organization emphasizes a festive atmosphere, with entertainment and activities planned throughout the day. Registration is available online, and the event is supported by local sponsors and volunteers, fostering a spirit of camaraderie among runners and spectators alike. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
21 km
21k Mitja Marató
21 km
21k Mitja Relleus
21 km
Campionat Universitari 21k Mitja Marató
6 km
Caminants 6km
5 km
10'5k Marxa Nòrdica
5 km
10'5k Quarta de Marató
Micromarató Aleví
Micromarató Benjamí 1
Micromarató Benjamí 2
Micromarató Infantil
Micromarató Prebenjamí

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