
Löwenlauf Hachenburg

The Löwenlauf Hachenburg is a traditional running competition that has been held annually since 1989. It offers various running categories, including a half marathon, a 10.5 km run, a 6.3 km fun run/team run, and a children's run. The event is characterized by its family-friendly atmosphere and donates its proceeds to social projects, such as children's homes and a village clinic in South India.

The start and finish area is located at the multi-purpose sports hall in Hachenburg. The Löwenlauf is an event for runners of all ages and skill levels. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
21 km
10 km
10,5 Km Lauf
6 km
Jedermannslauf / Teamlauf 6,3 Km

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