Sa - Su

London West Spartan Trifecta Weekend

The London West Spartan Trifecta Weekend is an exhilarating event that challenges participants to complete three different race types: the Sprint, Super, and Beast, all within a single weekend. This unique format allows racers to earn the prestigious Trifecta medal, symbolizing their commitment and achievement in obstacle course racing. The event is designed for all fitness levels, encouraging both seasoned athletes and newcomers to push their limits and embrace the Spartan spirit.

Participants can expect a weekend filled with camaraderie, competition, and personal growth as they tackle various obstacles and terrains. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
21 km
Beast 21k | 30 Obstacles
10 km
Super 10k | 25 Obstacles
5 km
Saturday / Sunday Sprint 5k | 20 Obstacles

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