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Les Marcels à Plescop

The Marcels in Plescop is a running race that will take place on October 20th, marking its 12th edition. This event is open to men over the age of 16, with a maximum of 2,300 participants. The race, which spans 8 km, primarily takes place in the commune of Plescop, with a section passing through Vannes.

It is a non-timed, non-ranked event, promoting a spirit of conviviality. Additionally, free races for children, called "P’tits Marcels," will be held on October 19th, with distances adapted according to age groups. Registration closes on October 18th. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
8 km

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