
LebensLauf Wien

The LebensLauf organized by asylkoordination österreich is a significant charity event that takes place annually in the picturesque Kurpark Oberlaa in Vienna. It has established itself as a staple in the Vienna running calendar and promotes a strong community as well as a rational asylum policy. Participants can look forward to various competitions, including a 5 km main run, Nordic walking, and a children's run.

Under the motto "Movement against Prejudice and Racism," the LebensLauf makes a sporting statement for solidarity and humanity. All proceeds go to the projects of asylkoordination österreich, which advocate for the rights of asylum seekers and against racism. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
5 km
5 km
Nordic Walking

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