
The Monta Davala is a running race that takes place in Labastide Saint Georges, in the Tarn region. This sporting event, organized by the Association Sports et Loisirs, offers several trail and hiking routes suitable for all levels. Participants can choose between trail distances of 11 km and 19 km, as well as hikes of 11 km and 14 km.

The event also emphasizes friendliness and sharing, with a portion of the registration fees donated to a charity. It is a great opportunity to discover the landscape of the Pays de Cocagne while engaging in a sporting activity. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
19 km
Trail 19km
14 km
Marche Nordique 14km
14 km
Randonnée 14km
11 km
Marche Nordique 11km
11 km
Randonnée 11km
11 km
Trail 11km

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