The Manker Lauffestival, organized by LC Mank, is a vibrant running event scheduled for June 20, 2025. It features a variety of races catering to different age groups, including a Bambini run for young children, a One Hour Kidsrun with team participation, and a one-hour night run for older participants. The festival emphasizes community involvement and encourages young talents to engage in sports.
Participants can enjoy refreshments and a festive atmosphere, culminating in a fireworks display and award ceremonies for the top finishers in each category. The event aims to promote running and foster a love for sports among all ages. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
1 hr
1-Stunden Nachtlauf
Bambini Lauf
One Hour Kidsrun