Fr - Su

Kulmbach Spartan Trifecta Weekend

The Kulmbach Spartan Trifecta Weekend 2025 offers three main races: Sprint (5K with 20 obstacles), Super (10K with 25 obstacles), and Beast (21K with 30 obstacles). There is also a Kids Race with 1-3K distance and obstacles. Prices start at €25 for the Kids Race and vary for the other races.

Participants can buy now and pay later. The event provides information on race distances, obstacles, average durations, race day info, accommodation options, athlete guides, event schedules, rules, registration management, heat selection, attire recommendations, and transfer/deferral options. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
21 km
Beast 21k 30 Obstacles
10 km
Super 10k 25 Obstacles
5 km
Sprint 5k 20 Obstacles
Kids Race 1-3k+obstacles

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