
Kreuzganglauf Feuchtwangen

The Kreuzganglauf in Feuchtwangen is a popular running event that will take place on October 3, 2024. It offers various races for all age groups and fitness levels, including the main race (10,000 meters), hobby race (3,333 meters), youth race (3,333 meters), walking race (3,333 meters), children's and students' race (1,500 meters), and the Bambini race (340 meters). The event is aimed at participants of all ages and promotes physical activity within the community.

Registrations are already open, and further information will be released in the coming weeks and months. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always visit the organization's website for the most recent information!
10 km
Haupt Lauf
Hobby Lauf
Jugend Lauf
Walking Lauf
Kinder Und Schüler Lauf

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