
Kokoda Challenge - Lake Macquarie

The Kokoda Challenge - Lake Macquarie is an endurance event that offers participants the choice of hiking or trail running distances of 18, 30, or 48 kilometers through the scenic Olney State Forest and Watagans National Park. This challenge, organized by the Kokoda Youth Foundation, aims to raise funds for youth programs while honoring the legacy of the Kokoda Campaign from World War II. Emphasizing teamwork and camaraderie, the event encourages participants to finish together, embodying the spirit of courage and mateship.

It promises a physically demanding experience that also serves to educate participants about Australia's history. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
48 km
30 km
18 km

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