
Kewenn Trail

The Kewenn Trail 2024 will take place on October 6th at Kerzec Park in Quéven, offering three trail courses: 25 km, 16 km, and 8 km, as well as races for children. Participants must be born in 2006 or earlier, with specific registration conditions for non-licensed runners. The courses feature pleasant wooded paths, hilly and varied terrain, with refreshment stations provided.

Safety will be ensured by volunteers, and rewards will be given to the top runners. Registrations are done online until October 5th, with fees varying according to the distance. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
25 km
Trail Groupama 25 Kms
16 km
Trail 16 Kms
8 km
Trail Court 8 Kms

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