
Kaumberger Arathon

The Kaumberg Arathon is an exciting running competition that takes place as part of the Traisental Mountain Running Cup. The event offers various distances, including a mountain run of 9.3 km with 420 meters of elevation gain and a shorter run of 5 km with 380 meters of elevation gain. Additionally, there are special children's races for different age groups as well as a Nordic Walking route.

The event is organized by the Sportunion Kaumberg and takes place in the picturesque surroundings of Kaumberg. Participants can look forward to a friendly atmosphere and thrilling competitions, culminating in an awards ceremony at the Araburg. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
9 km
Berglauf & Nordic Walking
5 km

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