
Jedburgh Three Peaks Races

The Jedburgh Three Peaks Races feature an ultramarathon and a relay race, both taking place in Jedburgh. The ultramarathon covers a distance of 38 miles, while the relay consists of four legs totaling approximately 38 miles as well. Participants can expect fully marked routes, checkpoints with refreshments, and essential safety requirements.

All finishers receive medals and goody bags, with additional trophies for top finishers in various categories. The event promotes inclusivity and supports local charities, with profits directed to selected organizations. Facilities for changing and refreshments are provided for all runners. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
38 mi
11 mi
Relay Leg 3
10 mi
Relay Leg 1
10 mi
Relay Leg 4
7 mi
Relay Leg 2

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